Event Details

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A Custom Retreat Experience with Alisha Olivier Park and Alexandra Smith

July 2 – 9, 2016. Nosara, Costa Rica

Retreat Includes: Shared Accommodations, Three Meals per Day, Daily Yoga and Meditation

Classes Offered: Essential Oils, Sound Healing

Excursions: Horse Tours, Zip Line, Surfing, Sea Kayaking, Stand-up Paddle Boarding, Waterfall and Wildlife Hike

Experience Private Sessions: Massage, Essential Oils, Sound Healing, Healing From Within Mentoring

[button link=”http://tranquilitywellnesscenter.com/school-of-integrative-healing/registration/” color=”default” size=”” stretch=”” type=”” shape=”” target=”_self” title=”” gradient_colors=”|” gradient_hover_colors=”|” accent_color=”” accent_hover_color=”” bevel_color=”” border_width=”1px” icon=”” icon_divider=”yes” icon_position=”left” modal=”” animation_type=”0″ animation_direction=”down” animation_speed=”0.1″ animation_offset=”” alignment=”center” class=”mar-right” id=””]Register Now[/button]

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