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Alisha Olivier Park presents:

A Life Inspired – 7 Keys to Inspired Living

Alisha 2 - 600Join Spiritual Teacher and Mentor Alisha Olivier Park as she shares the 7 Keys to Inspired Living. During this wisdom circle, Alisha will reveal each key principal and examples of real-life transformations that have occurred as a result of applying these principals. During this class, you will also have an opportunity to share any current challenge and Alisha will help you to apply the 7 Keys to Inspired Living to your personal situation. Let these 7 Keys empower and inspire you into living a life you love.

Date: Sunday February 26, from 3:30 – 6:30 p.m.

Location: Yoga Bound Yoga Studio, 2697 State Street, Carlsbad, CA

Tuition: $35 in advance, $45 at the door

Registration: Sign Up Here