What would it be like to have access to an unlimited supply of personal energy?

Well what kind of energy? Like physical energy?

Yes, physical energy, to feel alive, healthy, balanced and driven. Emotional energy to feel vibrant and happy. And for emotional strength to help deal with challenging situations and people. Mental energy to stimulate creative solutions to problems and also to clear the mind of worry, regret, and other toxic thoughts. And finally spiritual energy, an energy that inspires a greater purpose within you, allowing yourself to be in touch with how to best spend your time in the most meaningful and enjoyable way.

Well that would be great. That would solve everything, all of life’s problems. But the world just doesn’t work that way … or does it?

Well guess what, it does. There exists a reservoir of life force energy. It is here, now, waiting for you to tap into it, if you are ready.

Reiki healing energy is this reservoir that I am speaking about. Reiki energy, is an unlimited supply of life force energy that is freely available to all. … Just no one has yet taught you how to access it.

But really? It will solve all of my problems? I doubt that.

No, the energy won’t immediately solve all your life’s problems. But it will begin to awaken you to your empowerment. It will begin to awaken your intuition. And it will begin to initiate a self-healing journey. Tapping into this energy will signal and say “I am ready. I am ready to make changes in my life. This life is mine. I want something more. Bring it on. Please help me and bring it on. I am ready.”

Overcoming obstacles, life challenges, and transforming any kind of pain and unhappiness requires a drive from within to create a different reality. Living a more happy and fulfilling life is a result of healing our own pain. And this transformation, this process of healing, is a self directed process. You can be guided, taught techniques, and taught practices, but no one can do it for you. No one can fix your life. No one can solve your problems. No one can heal you.

Not even reiki.

But opening up to the reiki energy and taking initiative to practice self-healing, can begin to help you bring about changes in your life, whatever changes you’d personally like to see. Improved wellbeing. Healthy, peaceful relationships. Fulfilling work. Greater joy and happiness.

Receiving the sacred attunements, learning the concepts and learning the techniques of Reiki energy healing will provide you a foundation to improve your life as you desire. With your daily practice, you can tune in to this intelligent energy and start to transform your life into the vibrant, joyful life that is destined to be yours!

Learn First Degree Reiki with Reiki Master teacher Neomi Mustain at Tranquility Wellness Center, October 3rd and 4th. Register Here.