Are you a tree hugger?

If not, what are you waiting for? Connecting to nature is one of the most important things we can do for our health. Studies show that surgery patients in hospital rooms with a view of nature had higher immune function, released less stress hormones and had a quicker recovery time then those that had a view of a cement wall.

Today a high number of people live in concrete environments with more emphasis on machines then on nature. Humans are spending more time then ever indoors sitting in front of TV, computer, tablet or cell phone screens. Simultaneously we are seeing a rise in stress related illness like, anxiety, insomnia, depression, heart disease and cancer.

How much time do you spend on electronic devices each day? How much time do you spend sitting? How much time do you spend indoors? Ideally you are spending less then 2 hours a day on electronics, you are staying physically active by moving your body each day with walking, stretching and exercise and you are spending 50% of your day outdoors. If this seems to far fetched for you, then start by making small adjustments where you can. Here are a few simple ways for you to reconnect to nature today.

  1. Put down your phone and put your feet in the earth. Walk through the grass, skip on the sand, ground yourself in the dirt.
  2. Breath it in. Stop and smell the roses, pine trees, fresh grass or any other plant you come across. A simple exchange of carbon for oxygen has many therapeutic effects. Even better yet do your daily exercise outdoors.
  3. Hug a tree. Yes I’m serious, find a tree walk over to it and give it a great big bear hug! Don’t be concerned if anyone sees you, who knows you might just inspire them to do something good for themselves too!

For a deep nature immersion join us this summer in Costa Rica…