Reiki may not be a word found in most people’s everyday vocabulary. But for many, they have come across the universal life force energy of Reiki and their lives have since been transformed.

Meet one such person, Reiki Master Teacher, Alexandra Smith. 

Sometimes you find Reiki, sometimes Reiki finds you. How did you first learn about Reiki energy healing?

Alexandra Smith

Alexandra Smith

“Actually Reiki found me. I had no indication really what it was until I walked into a Yinki class. I couldn’t really wrap my head around it, so I thought I would just experience it for myself. And the moment I felt the Reiki within me, and I felt that shift, it was so familiar for me that I knew I had to explore what that energy healing was.

On top of it, I had a sunburn and it was extremely painful. Then when I received Reiki from Alisha, my sunburn, the pain, went instantly away and it didn’t hurt for the rest of the couple days. I was peeling and blistered and the moment I received Reiki it all went away.”

Yinki is the blend of yin yoga and Reiki. During the practice students practice yin yoga postures, while the teacher channels healing Reiki energy to students.

First Degree Reiki is about remembering and connecting to our innate wisdom to heal. Can you share one way that Reiki has helped you heal?

“Oh let’s see, which one do I pick? … hmm… well…

The reason why I love the Reiki is because it taught me, I learned intuitively my own energy and realizing that I, with the attunements and learning the hand positions, I got a more in-depth feeling of who I am in essence. And then with that, I really have been able to just step into this path of really healing from within and stepping into a place of unconditional love.”

And what have your clients said after a Reiki session or later reported back to you?

Alex Receive's Reiki

Alexandra Receives Reiki

“So I’ve had clients when they leave say it was like a warm hug, but from the inside. And that they feel instantly calm, protected, and in a safe space to where they can really just let go and receive the work.”

Reiki energy healing may benefit on a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual level. When learning this energy healing technique, one first learns to work with themselves and then later with others. This allows first for an established foundation and personal experience with the healing energy. Then, afterward, the Reiki practitioner can begin to share the energy with others.

Alexandra is a Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Integrative Healer. She will be teaching First Degree Reiki this weekend at Tranquility Wellness Center in Encinitas. For more information please click here.