We’ve all probably heard our yoga teachers talk about the Divine Masculine and Feminine energies and attended countless Goddess circles (if you are a woman) in order to chase down the elusive “goddess” within, but what exactly are these energies and what effect do they have on our daily life? This was the question I was determined to answer when my dream of being happily married with a family of my own began to fall apart in 2011.

My search for the Divine Feminine and Masculine began as I was finishing my Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology while simultaneously feeling my marriage of just 2 years, and my idea of who I was in the world begin to weaken and crumble. In combining my psychology background with my newfound love of yoga, meditation and spirituality, I began my quest to find the reasons behind my own lack of ability to fully surrender in all of my relationships and the ways in which I could work on myself in order to create the family and community I always dreamed about. Along my journey to find the universal masculine and feminine energies I learned that we all have inner masculine and feminine energies that are made up of our own life experiences, past life experiences, and the collective energies of our family, friends, culture and the world as a whole. This means that our inner male and female energies are highly affected by everything going on around us, and these energies within ourselves play a large part in the types of relationships we seek out and create in our lives. Our inner masculine and feminine easily gets our of balance and instead of looking like the “warrior” and the “nurturing mother” energies of the Divine masculine and feminine, our energy may reflect the “scared little boy” and the “controlling mother” of the worldly energies.

My own life-journey growing up included a father who was not trustworthy and often times volatile. I was never able to develop trust or count on him to be there for me when I needed him, and this led to my own inner masculine developing into an “untrustworthy” energy. This energy brought untrustworthy male friends and romantic partners into my life by the law of attraction and my relationships suffered. The amazing thing, though, is that my quest for the DIVINE masculine and feminine energies led me to the discovery that no matter what our current inner feminine and masculine energies are, we can seek out the Divine feminine and masculine energies from the Universe, our higher selves, our spiritual teachers and guides, the practice of meditation and yoga, and all the great heroic stories of our time in order to replace our unhealthy or unbalanced energies with the perfect energies of the Divine.

I began embracing Divine masculine energy in my life by first setting the intention for the Universe to allow me to attract healthy, trustworthy male friends. I charged my crystal reiki grid with this intention and they just began showing up! One by one, I attracted healthy male friends into my life and spent quality time with them in order to build trust. This jump-started my own inner masculine to become more trustworthy, and allowed my inner feminine to relax and be more trusting of male energy. I took a holistic approach to continuing my own inner masculine energy work, utilizing sound healing, reiki, yin yoga, spiritual counseling, expressive arts, vision boards and meditation. Although my marriage could not be salvaged, I am so thankful that I was able to embrace the Divine masculine in my own life so that I had the courage to leave my partner in order for us both to move on and create happier lives for ourselves. I am now enjoying single life, my healthy male energy friendships, and am consistently attracting healthy masculine energy into my life through dating. Not only have my relationships changed for the better, my life has begun to take on a healthier direction in every area including my own self-esteem, creativity, spirituality and career. Now I am bringing my focus to my inner Divine feminine and the journey is beginning all over again.

I am now passionate about helping other people on their journey to discover the ways in which their own inner masculine and feminine energies are currently affecting their relationships and lives. My own personal experiences in this area have convinced me that we can all replace our current inner masculine an feminine energies with DIVINE masculine and feminine energies and truly become the heroes of our own lives, creating exactly what we have always wanted in our relationships.