A Journey of Personal Transformation,

Healing From Within.

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Healing From Within

Healing from Within, Tranquility’s signature program, is a holistic program designed to help guide you through the greatest journey of human existence, the journey of personal transformation.

In this one-of-a-kind program you learn the Healing from Within teachings, which take you through the four stages of personal transformation: self-discovery, healing, transformation, and self-mastery.

As you progress through the work, Healing from Within not only provides loving guidance and support, but also a deep level of unconditional love. In time, you too learn to accept, embody and then express unconditional love towards self, which results in profound personal growth within all aspects of your life.

At the end of your Healing from Within journey, you will be forever changed and ready to live a life you love. A life vibrant with health, unconditional love and most of all, fulfillment of your destiny.

Above: Graduates and mentors speak about their Healing from Within transformation.

What You Will Learn

Above: An excerpt from the Healing from Within teachings.

Self Discovery

During this stage you will:

  • Gain clear perspective on your lifestyle and discover ways to bring balance, health and vitality into your life
  • Learn how to meditate and establish a daily meditation practice
  • Learn the gift of presence and how to embody this state of being
  • Learn the process of transformation
  • Understand and work through unprocessed emotions, situations, and wounds


During this stage you will:

  • Get in touch with your feelings and learn healthy ways to express them
  • Understand aspects of self and others that you do not like and learn to bring love and acceptance to them
  • Understand what codependency is and where it is showing up in your life
  • Break free of codependency by living from a place of inner acceptance rather than seeking outer approval
  • Recognize beliefs, patterns and inner dialogue that stand in the way of your happiness
  • Take a close look at the story of your life, break free of conditioning and build willpower and strength
  • Create healthy inner and outer dialogue. Create healthy and harmonious ways to communicate with yourself and others


During this stage you will:

  • Connect to unconditional love and begin to live with an open heart
  • Learn the art of surrender and how to let go gracefully
  • Learn about your Soul and Reincarnation
  • See life from a bigger perspective that allows you to understand and heal your life events and relationships
  • Explore past lives
  • Open to complete forgiveness of self and others

Self Mastery

During this stage you will:

  • Awaken to anything that is holding you back from fulfilling your destiny and let go of that which no longer serves you
  • Learn to live in the present moment, free from pain of the past and anxiety of the future
  • Know what your gifts are and how you can share them
  • Create your life’s vision and take steps to making that vision a reality
  • Embody the Universal wisdom you have learned along the journey and live a life you love!
Begin Your
Journey Now

How You Can Experience Healing From Within

Healing from Within is a journey – and no two journeys are completely alike. The highly personal nature of the work means the results are as unique as your DNA, so we offer two ways to experience Healing from Within based on your personal needs.

Select the option below that best suits you, and if you are not sure which one is the best fit, contact us for a free 30 minute consultation with Healing from Within creator Alisha.

Online Program
With a Mentor


Meet the Creator of Healing From Within

Alisha 2 - 600Why I Created Healing From Within

My name is Alisha, and I started on my own journey of transformation after a series of events in my teen years led me to realize that the answers I needed were not outside of me, but rather within me. These experiences lit a fire of passion for Spirituality and personal growth.

It was twenty one years ago when a serious car accident left me with severe whiplash and a fractured skull. My recovery was long and left me feeling disconnected from others and from life. I began searching for answers, seeking love and acceptance outside of myself. This searching led me down a dark path, into the world of alcohol, drugs and undesirable company.

Completely lost, alone and empty, I no longer felt a youthful innocence or a connection to the world. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a stranger. Going to school became increasingly difficult, as I was unable to concentrate and do what was required of me, so I decided it was time to call it quits. I walked into the office, turned in my books and then walked away, leaving my junior year of high school behind. But unfortunately, I was unable to leave the pain I was feeling there with my books, and so I continued my downward spiral.

One day my mother walked into my room.
“Alisha,” she said, “I give up.”
“Give up on what?” I asked.
“I give up on you.”
I felt my pounding heart sink.
“You can’t do that,” I snapped, choking back tears. “You are my mother.”
“Yes I can, because you have already given up on yourself.” Those words lingered in the chilly air.
As she left my room, she handed me a small book and said, “This is my last gift to you.”

I sat on my bed and read the title: The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra. I opened the cover and inside, my mother had written: “Alisha, if you can read and apply these seven spiritual laws, there is nothing you can’t do or be. Love, Mom.”

I felt the truth of her words sweep across my skin, leaving goosebumps. As I flipped through the pages, the words came alive and danced within my heart. Everything I had been seeking outside of myself was really within me. This was the beginning of my hero’s journey…

The next fall I re-enrolled in school, worked very hard to catch up and graduated with my class. I went on to college, and then 10 years later, my journey led me to where it began, with Deepak. I was blessed with the opportunity to work alongside the very teacher that had inspired my growth. I gained valuable experience working at the Chopra Center, and after five years of  learning and teaching alongside leaders in the field of wellness and personal growth, I knew it was time to go on my own. I was clear that my purpose was to share the valuable wisdom that inspired me and assist others to heal and transform their lives, so they could connect to their truth and passion and share that with the world. This is when Tranquility was born, a wellness center focused on Personal Transformation.

After founding Tranquility and successfully guiding clients using the healing techniques and wisdom that had been so powerful for me on my own journey, I created the Healing from Within program. Healing from Within was specifically developed to take clients through a complete transformation–from healing the darkest depths of their pain to expressing their brightest, divine light. This all-encompassing program has since become a roadmap which provides loving support and wisdom as you undergo deep healing and transformation, and  progress forward on your epic journey.

After fine tuning the program and the methods within it for years with clients, we are now able to offer Healing from Within both in-person and by phone, so you can start your journey no matter where you may be in the world. This is my life’s work and I am honored to be able to share it with you!

Begin Your
Journey Now

Did you know you’re a hero, the lead role in an intricately woven epic story?

You are, and now is the time for you to awaken to your greatness, get on the path and take an adventure, co-creating the best story ever told!