Step Forward and Shine Your Light!

Begin this January. Become a Healing from Within Mentor.
Transform your life while learning to guide others to live the life of their dreams!



Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.

A Healing from Within Mentor guides students through a transformational journey. Your students will dive deep into self-discovery, healing, transformation and self-mastery.

This is Your Time

Step forward, discover your gifts and shine your intuitive wisdom light to help others transform their life. We would love to speak with you about this!

Let’s set up a time to talk and you will discover why becoming a Healing from Within Mentor serves your highest good and fulfills your destiny!

    What am I Going to Learn?

    In this training you will be certified to mentor students through a multi-layered process, based in spiritual psychology and integrative healing techniques. As a Mentor, you will work with students one-on-one, guiding them through the process of transformation. This process includes helping students awaken to and heal unresolved issues. Your students will then learn how to transform their pain, discover their unique gifts and talents and connect with their soul wisdom to create a life they love, fulfilling their destiny!

    The HFW Program

    The HFW Mentor Training is divided into 4 Stages of work, mirroring the HFW program: Self Discovery, Healing, Transformation, and Self Mastery. Each Stage of the program contains 6 main lessons of HFW teachings.

    A Lifestyle Program is a personalized guide that recommends ways for you to live a healthy, balanced life. Addressing unhealthy lifestyle choices and working to improve your personal choices, will help you to create a strong foundation that supports deeper inner work.

    You will learn how to create a Lifestyle Program for your students. And you will also learn how to help students see their unhealthy lifestyle choices and how they can make lasting changes by following their personal Lifestyle Program.

    Ayurveda is a 7,000 year old system of health and healing that has proved the test of time and is still effective in our modern world. Ayurveda helps you to improve your overall health and well-being in all aspects of life.

    You will learn the principals of Ayurveda and how to share this wisdom with your students. The Lifestyle Program that you create for each student will be based on the wisdom of Ayurveda.

    Meditation is a practice to help quiet the thinking mind, unlock the inner realms and connect with the Divine. Having a meditation practice is vital to creating a centered space within, where divine wisdom can be heard and understood.

    You will learn about the importance of meditation and how to help your students develop a daily, personal practice.

    Presence is a conscious state of being. By cultivating presence you are not trapped by the egoic, thinking mind. Instead you allow for yourself to live a more enjoyable life.

    You will learn how to access the power of presence and how to teach this to your students.

    The Three Selves is framework for understanding yourself and what lies within, including your deepest pain, greatest gifts and a conscious part of self that chooses to go on the journey of transformation. It is necessary to access all parts of self, in order to bring love and acceptance to self, which will help you heal your deepest pain and live your greatest joy.

    You will learn how to help students discover and connect to their Three Selves, moving them into a journey of transformation.

    Your core wound is the deepest pain that you have experienced in this lifetime. By discovering, acknowledging, and moving through the pain of your wound, you will begin to receive the gifts of the challenge.

    You will learn how to help students discover their core wound, how to help them move through the pain, and how to help them uncover the gift of their pain.

    Emotions are a spectrum of feelings that you experience. In order to heal on the deepest level, you must be willing to become aware of what is within yourself. You must be able to feel your emotions.

    You will learn about the polarity of emotions and how to help students experience and express their emotions in healthy ways.

    A shadow is a quality, or part of self, that you do not like about yourself. When you are able to observe your shadows, you can embrace them and then discover their gifts.

    You will learn a process to help students become aware of their shadows and how they can embrace them to discover their gifts.

    Codependency is the act of placing more importance on the needs and wants of others before those of self. Breaking free of codependency allows for the creation of healthy, empowered relationships.

    You will learn how to recognize codependent behavior, why it is important to break free of it, and how to help your students do this.

    The structure of belief is your beliefs about yourself, others, the world, and a higher power. Since your belief structure creates your reality, it is important to choose beliefs that support the reality you want to create.

    You will learn how to teach students how to question and then restructure their beliefs, if their current beliefs are not creating the reality they wish to live.

    Your beliefs come together and create the story of your life. It is important to take a look at the story you are telling and to begin to tell a better story if it is not one you like.

    You will learn how to help students see their story clearly and how they can begin to live a better story that they love.

    Conscious communication is awareness of the inner and outer dialogue you have with yourself and others. By learning to consciously communicate you will begin to create a peaceful life that consists of honest and fulfilling relationships with others and yourself.

    You will learn the principals of a conscious communication and how to teach these concepts to your students.

    Unconditional love is is love in its purest form–loving completely, without any conditions at all. Developing this kind of love for yourself and others is necessary for healing and transforming your deep pain and creating a life you love.

    You will learn how to help students access and generate authentic unconditional love of self.

    The art of surrender is being able to let go of control and go with the flow. Living in this way allows you to enjoy the journey of life.

    You will learn how to help students open to trust, which will allow them to learn how to graciously let go and fully enjoy all the ups and downs of their experiences.

    Reincarnation is the belief that your Soul experiences many lifetimes in different bodies in order to fully evolve and attain enlightenment.

    You will learn how to help students clearly see the karmic patterns in their life and ways that they can resolve them. This is key to working through the challenges of their life and can help them understand how to move forward.

    The Divine Perspective is a point of view which helps you understand your life events and soul contracts–the teachings that you wished to learn and the agreements that you made prior to this life that will help you fulfill your destiny.

    You will learn how to guide students to view their life events and soul contracts from a higher perspective. This is how they can come to feel at peace with the experiences of their life and then receive the gifts of their experiences.

    Through exploring past lives you can gain additional clarity surrounding your life events and soul contracts. During this process you will access soul wisdom and thus better understand your soul’s journey.

    You will learn how to guide students in a past life regression. This is a powerful way for them to gain clarity and insight, across many lifetimes, into the Divine Perspective of their soul’s journey.

    Forgiveness is a feeling of deep understanding and compassion for the challenges of your life. It is through forgiveness that you can move beyond judgment, guilt, fear, shame and hate, and then into embodying unconditional love.

    You will learn how to guide students into forgiving the most challenging situations and people in their life.

    Review your journey of transformation and acknowledge how far you have come. As you do, your strengths will be revealed to yourself.

    You will learn to guide students into Self-Mastery, by discovering their strengths, gifts and talents to share with the world.

    Integrating your Inner Child with your Spiritual Adult moves you into the final stages of transformation.

    You will learn how to help students move into the final stages of transformation and how to step forward as their whole, empowered self.

    Claiming your greatness is a process that helps you discover your unique gifts and talents and bring them out to share with the world.

    You will learn how to help students see their greatness and how they can successfully claim it and share it with the world.

    Manifesting your destiny is a process of becoming clear on what you want, working through any blocks and empowering yourself to create that reality.

    You will learn how to instruct students to manifest their destiny and live the reality that they desire.

    To live a life you love, you must know what you want, believe that you can create it, be willing to work for it, and let it take the time that it takes. Allowing for co-creation, allows you to live a life you love, perhaps one even better than you could have imagined.

    You will learn how to teach the process of allowing to your students and how to guide them to into living a life that they love.

    Merging with the Higher Self creates the connection for divine wisdom to flow into your life, creating a life you love.

    You will learn how to guide students to connect with divine wisdom and let it flow into their life, helping them live the life of their dreams and fulfill their destiny.

    How am I Going to Learn?

    Participate from anywhere. You will learn within our online school, at weekly, small group webinars led by program creator Alisha Olivier Park, and during sessions, guiding real students through their personal transformation.

    The Training Includes

    • Access to our online training program which includes over 50 hours of inspirational video lessons, extensive written materials, interactive journaling, homework assignments, exams, reading requirements and real life practicum.
    • Access to weekly, small group webinars led by HFW program creator Alisha Olivier Park.
    • During the week, you will read and complete online materials as well as go deeper into personal lifework homework assigned by Alisha. These assignments will address what you need to work on personally in order to move through your blocks.
    • You will learn the wisdom of the teachings and apply this to your life, thus too healing on the deepest level.
    • You will gain valuable first-hand experience guiding students through the HFW program. This training qualifies you to make a profound difference in the lives of many.
    • Through this comprehensive training program you will learn knowledge and wisdom, and develop the intuition and confidence that is necessary to begin a successful career as a professional mentor.

    Who is this Training for?

    This training is for those ready to live a unique life, fulfilling their destiny in a life they love. Mentors are intuitive, wise and dedicated to living a vibrant life. Mentors come from all professions and all walks of life and join together for a meaningful cause. They all have one thing in common: a desire for transformation and helping others live a life they love!

    Apply Now


    When do I Start?

    Our next Mentor Training begins January 10th, 2017 for 1 year.

    Registration closes January 8th, 2017. Weekly webinars will be held Tuesdays, from 6:30 – 8:00 a.m. (Pacific Standard Time).

    Learn at your own pace

    You will learn and work through the course materials at your own pace, but you will be kept on track during our weekly, small group webinars. During these calls you will get to connect with other mentors-in-training, participate in group energetic and ceremonial work, and receive personal guidance from program creator Alisha Olivier Park on how to take the teachings deeper in your own life.

    If not now, when?

    HFW Mentor Training starts twice a year. After January, our next training begins July 5th, 2017.

    Speak with us today. Discover why this training is perfect for you.

    Registration closes January 8th, 2017, so get in touch now.

    Contact Us Now


    Why be a HFW Mentor?



    As a HFW Mentor, be your own boss and work when you want, from anywhere in the world.



    As a HFW Mentor, create your own schedule and work with as many or as little students as you want.



    As a HFW Mentor, mentor students as a full time career or in addition to another career.



    As a HFW Mentor, serve a higher purpose and be an inspiration to the world!

    Be One Who Inspires

    A HFW Mentor is similar to, but different than, a life coach:

    • A HFW Mentor guides students to achieve profound levels of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health and wellness.
    • A HFW Mentor is a healed healer and an authentic teacher. While learning how to guide others to overcome their greatest challenges, you too will discover the strengths within yourself and rise above the challenges of your own life.
    • A HFW Mentor listens, holds space for and allows Divine healing energy to flow through and support each student in an intuitive, wise and effective way.
    • A HFW Mentor is deeply connected to their soul purpose and helps others awaken and connect to their unique gifts, talents and life purpose.

    HFW Mentor Training Begins January 10th.

    Registration closes January 8th, 2017.


    Apply Now

    Frequently Asked Questions

    transparent-mandala-1Is this for me?

    Do you have a feeling inside, a flame, a curiousity that is lit, a spark of interest? Now is the time to rise above and open to true and lasting change. In this program, you will do your own transformational work: while you are studying to help others transform their life, your life will be transformed as well. Be the change you wish to see in the world.

    transparent-mandala-2Who am I to lead the way and guide and help others?

    Who are you not to? This training will help you own your gifts and talents. Yes, first you must discover them, but then you will refine them, enhance them, and evolve them into great, great gifts to share with the world. No need to wish this upon yourself to happen overnight. Begin the journey now and awaken to your full potential.

    transparent-mandala-3 Am I qualified to be a Mentor?

    All you need is courage and commitment to do the program. This dedication will qualify you. At the end of this jouney you will be more prepared than ever before. You will know self empowerment, be in touch with your wisdom on a soul level, and uncover your unique intuitive healing gifts and talents. You will be an example of the work and inspire others to begin their journey. Love the work you do and spread transformation like wildfire!

    What Our Graduates are Saying …

    What is My Investment?

    Tuition for the HFW Mentor Training Program is $3500. You can pay in full or take advantage of our payment plan of twelve monthly payments of $325.

    *Please note that payment plan totals $3900.

    **Please also note that HFW Mentor certification also requires you to complete Certified Integrative Healer Training and to attend a retreat of your choice.


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    Begin your application today.

      Get to know the Teachings of Healing from Within

      Listen to program creator Alisha Olivier Park as she teaches lessons from the HFW program. Discover the wisdom and be inspired to share this wisdom with the world!